Return Policy

If you are unsatisfied in any way at all, please return the unwanted item within 60 days after you receive our product and apply for a full refund or exchange. The item must be unused and retain its original labels & packaging. Sale items are not returnable or refundable.

Once you need to return an item, please contact us via: info@xtoolglobal.com , please provide your Order number, payment receipt, and product images. After we receive your email, we will reply to you in 48 hours, and confirm the return info for you. After we received your items will send an exchange of new products to you.

When Do We Pay For Return Shipping?

We will pay for the cost of return shipping if the reason for return was the result of OUR error.

Examples as below:

We shipped out the wrong item;

We shipped it to the wrong address;

We shipped a duplicate order;

The item arrived defective and cannot be fixed with a replacement part;

Item malfunctioned during the 60 day returns period (Assuming the customer assembled the item properly per the instruction manual);

Note:For items that are damaged or defective upon arrival, you must provide video/photos to support your claim, that is, items that are damaged or defective upon arrival. Suppose the customer refuses or fails to send the pictures/videos of the items claimed to be faulty/damaged. In this case, the return will be regarded as "buyer's regret", and the customer will be fully responsible for returning it. Customers are also vulnerable to 15% of the purchase fee and any freight paid by the seller. If the customer claims that the item is defective/damaged, the customer must provide evidence before returning it, without exception. Use the Contact Us form to submit pictures/videos for your return request.

Once we receive the approved return items, we will review their status. If it is confirmed that the returned goods are defective, we will refund them.

When do customers need to paid for return shipping?

If an item is returned due to customer error, return shipping is the customer's responsibility.

In these cases, a prepaid return shipping label is not required. It is important to note that original shipping costs will be deducted from your total refund.

Examples of these customer returns may include:
No Reason / No Longer Want
Misinterpretation of Product Description (failure to fully read item details/descriptions/features)

Order Cancellation after the item already shipped out, even if you have not yet received the item

The customer bought the wrong one

The customer accidentally bought too many

The customer accidentally provided the wrong shipping address

Buyers' Remorse (“Not satisfied with performance”, “Item doesn't fit me correctly”, “Item doesn't meet my expectations”, “I tried it, but I want something else”, etc)

After the 60-day return period, the return refund policy does not apply if the item is faulty.

Exchange process steps as below:

step 1:

Please email us at info@xtoolglobal.com to let us know your problem and confirm the solution.

Step 2:

Take a photo of your shipment and send it to us, along with the tracking number. Repair costs depend on whether it is covered under warranty.

Step 3:

We confirmed that the goods were returned and checked for problems. Please also email us your

Specific order number and contact information (name, mobile phone number, full address, postal code).

Step 4:

We will send the item back to you.

Contact Us:

