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XTOOL A80 Pro Master con J2534

$1,499.00 USD $1,999.00
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XTOOL A80 PRO Master - Strumento diagnostico avanzato per professionisti

XTOOL A80 PRO Master è progettato per offrire capacità avanzate di programmazione e diagnostica dei veicoli ai tecnici professionisti. Con il supporto per la programmazione J2534 ECU, la mappatura della topologia dei moduli, il controllo bidirezionale e oltre 42 funzioni di servizio, questo strumento offre una soluzione completa anche per i problemi più complessi dei veicoli.

1. Programmazione ECU J2534

A80 PRO Master ti consente di riprogrammare moduli come ECM, TCM, BCM ed ECU. Supporta la codifica online per marchi come BMW, VW, Audi, Skoda e Benz, consentendoti di riprogrammare ECU di seconda mano, programmare ECU vuote, sbloccare funzioni nascoste e personalizzare le caratteristiche del tuo veicolo.

2. Mappatura della topologia del modulo

Esegui rapidamente la scansione e visualizza lo stato di salute di tutti i moduli auto disponibili in un formato di mappa ad albero. Questa funzione evidenzia i collegamenti di comunicazione tra vari moduli, semplificando l'individuazione delle posizioni dei guasti e semplificando il processo di riparazione.

3. Ottima programmazione della centralina

Questo strumento diagnostico supporta la riprogrammazione delle centraline elettroniche dopo la sostituzione del software/firmware. Risolvi facilmente i problemi di prestazioni di guida e di emissioni controllati dal software, assicurando che il veicolo funzioni in modo ottimale dopo le riparazioni.

4. Diagnostica completa del sistema a livello OE

L'A80 PRO Master può accedere a un'ampia gamma di sistemi per auto, tra cui ABS, motore, SAS, TPMS e IMMO, per leggere e cancellare codici, recuperare dati in tempo reale, dati di fermo immagine e informazioni sulla centralina. Offre una diagnostica completa del sistema per un'analisi approfondita del veicolo.

5. Funzione di codifica ECU superiore

La codifica ECU online consente di sbloccare funzionalità nascoste del veicolo, personalizzare le impostazioni o disattivare funzioni fastidiose come i cicalini delle cinture di sicurezza e di backup. Questa funzionalità supporta anche la riprogrammazione dei dati adattivi per determinati componenti dopo la riparazione o la sostituzione.

6. 42+ funzioni di servizio

L'A80 PRO Master supporta più di 42 funzioni di servizio, tra cui reset dell'olio, reset dell'EPB, rigenerazione del DPF, spurgo dell'ABS, regolazione del SAS, riapprendimento dell'acceleratore, reset del TPMS, calibrazione del sedile, attivazione della pompa elettronica e altro ancora. Copre un'ampia gamma di attività di manutenzione essenziali.

7. Programmazione avanzata delle chiavi

Espandi le tue capacità di programmazione delle chiavi lavorando con programmatori di chiavi come KC501, KC100, KS-1, M822 o SK1. Ciò ti consente di aggiungere nuove chiavi, programmare chiavi e gestire facilmente situazioni di smarrimento di tutte le chiavi.

8. Test attivo/controllo bidirezionale

La funzione di controllo bidirezionale consente di testare i componenti del veicolo in tempo reale. Eseguire test come EVAP, riapprendimento del minimo, test degli iniettori, accensione/spegnimento dell'interruttore della frizione A/C, cicli del motore ABS e altro ancora. (La compatibilità può variare in base al veicolo; contattaci per verificare prima dell'acquisto.)

9. VIN automatico e scansione automatica

Recupera automaticamente il numero di identificazione del veicolo per accedere rapidamente ai sistemi diagnostici. La funzione di scansione automatica consente di risparmiare tempo fornendo un rapido accesso ai dati del veicolo senza input manuale.

10. 8 in 1 grafico dati in tempo reale

Monitora fino a 8 punti dati live contemporaneamente e visualizzali in un formato grafico. Questa funzionalità intuitiva ti consente di comprendere meglio le prestazioni di vari moduli del veicolo e di rilevare i problemi più rapidamente.

11. Supporto multilingue

L'A80 PRO Master supporta 15 lingue, tra cui inglese, spagnolo, tedesco, francese, italiano, finlandese, arabo, giapponese, coreano, polacco, portoghese, vietnamita, russo, cinese semplificato e cinese tradizionale.

12.Connessione BT wireless

Con una portata wireless fino a 10 m (33 piedi), l'A80 PRO Master garantisce una maggiore mobilità durante la diagnosi, liberandoti dalla necessità di essere fisicamente all'interno dell'auto durante l'esecuzione dei test.

13. Potente configurazione hardware

L'A80 PRO Master è dotato di una batteria ricaricabile da 10000 mAh, 2 GB di RAM, 64 GB di memoria interna, una CPU Quad-Core da 1,8 GHz, una fotocamera da 8 MP, altoparlante e microfono integrati, offrendo la potenza e le prestazioni necessarie per l'uso professionale.

14. Aggiornamenti software con un clic e aggiornamenti gratuiti per 3 anni

A80 PRO Master è dotato di 3 anni di aggiornamenti software gratuiti, che ti consentono di rimanere aggiornato con le ultime funzionalità diagnostiche e la copertura del veicolo. Aggiorna lo strumento con un solo clic per accedere a nuove funzionalità.

Sperimenta il pieno potenziale di XTOOL A80 PRO Master, lo strumento diagnostico definitivo per i professionisti del settore automobilistico, che offre diagnosi potenti, programmazione avanzata e analisi completa del sistema.

Informazioni di cura

Si prega di notare che le funzioni diagnostiche disponibili con gli scanner diagnostici per veicoli possono variare a seconda del produttore, del modello e dell'anno specifici del veicolo. Sebbene questi scanner forniscano capacità diagnostiche complete, alcune marche o modelli di veicoli potrebbero avere sistemi unici o protocolli proprietari che potrebbero limitare o migliorare le funzioni disponibili. Per evitare qualsiasi problema, contattaci per conferma prima dell'acquisto.

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Why Choose A80Pro Master All-in-One Automotive Diagnostic Tool?

  • J2534 ECU Programming:Diagnostic tool comes with the capability to reflash modules like ECM, TCM, BCM and ECU onling Coding for BMW/VW/AUDI/SKODA/BENZ to reflash second-hand ECUs, program blank ECUs, flash hidden functions and customize your vehicle.
  • Module Topology Mapping:Scan and display the health status of all available car modules in a tree map, revealing the underlying communication between modules to locate fault locations faster, making repairs much more efficient.
  • Excellent ECU Programming:Program the new ECU after replacing the software/firmware in the existing electronic control unit and fix software-controlled driving performance and emissions issues
  • OE-Level Full System Diagnostic:XTOOL A80Pro Master can access most car systems to read, clear codes, retrieve live data, freeze frame, ECU information. Can access the system as ABS System, Engine System, SAS System, TPMS System, IMMO System, etc.
  • Superior ECU Coding Function:Online coding can be used to swipe hidden features, personalize settings, or disable annoying features like turning off backup buzzers, turning off seat belt buzzers. And reprogram the adaptive data of some components after repair or replacement.
  • 42+ Service Functions: Oil Reset, EPB Reset, Regeneration, ABS Bleeding, SAS Reset, Throttle Relearn, TPMS Reset, Electronic Pump Activation, Disable Transportation, Seat Calibrations, etc.
  • Enhanced Key Programming: A80Pro Master can work with KC501/KC100/KS-1/M822/SK1 to add/program new Keys & all keys lost.
  • Active Test/Bi-Directional Control: Control vehicle components to perform active tests such as EVAP test, idle relearn, injector test, cycle ABS motor pump, A/C clutch switch on/off, Windows on/off, fuel trim reset, fuel composition reset Wait. (Not for all cars. Pls contact us to check compatibility before buying.)
  • Auto VIN & Auto Scan:Automatically retrieve vehicle identification numbers for quick access to vehicle system diagnostics.
  • 8 In 1 Live Data Graph:Supports selecting 8 pieces of data at the same time to form a data flow chart, which is convenient for you to understand the status of each module more intuitively.
  • 15 Languages Supported: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Finnish, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Russian, Simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.
  • Wireless BT Connection: A80Pro Master support up to 33ft(10m) wireless connection send you free from diagnostic in the car.
  • Powerful Hardware Configuration: 10000mAh stronger rechargeable battery, 2GB RAM & 64GB ROM, Quad-Core 1.8GHz CPU Processor, 8MP Camera and built-In Speaker & Microphone.

J2534 ECU Programming

XTOOL A80Pro Master automotive diagnostic tablet has the capability to program new ECUs or reflash old modules like ECM, PCM, BCM and etc after replacement models to solve issues like drivability, power loss, fuel efficiency and fault codes.
Note: This tool does not program all modules on all models.
Note: A80Pro Master comes with J2534 programmer to work with OEM software to program/reflash ECUs on other brands.

Online/Offline ECU Programming

"Dealership" Level ECU Programming Services to replace the existing software/firmware in the Electronic Control Units (ECU), so to fix software-controlled drivability and emission issues.
* Program New ECUs
* Reflash Blank ECU
* Replace Old Modules
NOTE: ECU Programming work for Benz/for BMW/for VW/for AUDI/for SKODA/for FORD(off line)/for MAZDA(off line) only. Please check compatibility before purchase

Advanced ECU Coding

- To perform the customer individual customization of the car to improve vehicle performance, or stimulate high-end car functions such as setting alarms, doors locking, and outdoor lighting, etc.,
- After a component is replaced, to alter the configuration so that the new actuators can be recognized by related vehicle systems;
- To enable multiple car systems to recognize each other, reinforce Vehicle Performance
- Online Coding for BMW, for VW, for Audi, for SKODA, for BENZ

Flash Hidden Functions(ECU Configuration):



OE-Level Full System Diagnostic

As an OE level automotive diagnostic tool, XTOOL A80Pro Master can access most car ECUs to read, clear codes, retrieve live data, freeze frame, ECU information and perform active tests, matching, adaptation, turn off warning lights, reset monitors. Full range car models and full car system diagnose make it a professional automotive diagnostic tool.


Bi-Directional Control (Active Test)

XTOOL A80Pro Master comes with Bi-Directional Control capability and is capable of performing Active Tests to access vehicle-specific subsystems and component tests. The tester outputs commands to the ECU to drive the actuators in order to determine the integrity of the system or parts by reading the ECU data, or by monitoring the operation of the actuators


XTOOL A80Pro Master Diagnostic Tool Supports 42+ Reset Functions

  • Oil Light Reset: Close the oil service light and reset service mileage & service interval after replacing the engine oil.
  • EPB Reset: Reset the new electronic parking brake for braking wheels safely again.
  • Throttle Relearn: Allows to reset the throttle actuators to accurately regulate throttle (or idle engine) operations, helps keep your idling and acceleration smooth.
  • TPMS Reset: Relearn TPMS sensors so that new sensors can be recognized by ECU.
  • Air Suspension: The air suspension system reset function enables the computer ECU to match the current air suspension system information, thereby ensuring the normal damping effect of the vehicle when driving.
  • A/C Relearn: It is used to reset and self-learn the operation data of the compressor, reset and self-learn the position of the servo motor, and use it to detect and verify the faulty part of the air-conditioning system.
  • VGT Relearn: Use the VGT Relearn function of IP616 to reset and learn the turbo system after replacing the turbocharger or the solenoid valve sensor in the turbo system.
  • EGR Relearn: After the EGR valve is damaged, the engine fault light will be turned on. After the EGR valve is replaced, the EGR valve needs to be matched and learned with a diagnostic instrument to ensure the normal operation of the exhaust gas recirculation system.
  • HV Battery: When a new energy vehicle fails to be repaired, it is necessary to ensure that the high-voltage battery has no power output. This function can disconnect the power output of the high-voltage battery to the vehicle, so that the maintenance worker can safely perform maintenance and inspection on the vehicle.

Also including: ABS Bleeding, Airbag Repair, IMMO/Key Programmer, EEPROM Adapter, EPB, Oil Light Reset, Gearbox Match, SRS, DPF Regeneration, BMS, Cylinder, TPMS Reset, Headlight Adjustment, Windows Initialization, Seat Match, Electronic Pump Activation, Disable Transport Mode, ECU configuration, Stop/Start Reset, Language Change, A/F Reset, Tire Upgrade, EPS, ADAS, Reset control unit, Rain/Light Sensor, A/C Relearn, VIN write, Nox Reset, FRM Reset, AdBlue Reset, Clutch Adaption, Speed Limit, etc.
Note: Special Functions Don't Work On All Cars, Please Send Your Vehicle Model and Year for us to have a check.


Intelligent Topology Mapping

  • Equipped with color coded module status for faster full system diagnostic results.
  • View the communication structure between modules clearly with all the situation of each system.
  • One click to display the fault code and enter the system executive function directly.

Note: Topology Map fit for GM, for CHRYSLER, for JEEP, for DODGE, for FORD, for TOYOTA, for NISSAN, for HONDA, for BMW, for BENZ, for HYUNDAI, for MAZDA(MORE COMING SOON).


Professional Key Programming/IMMO Functions

The IMMO service can disable a lost vehicle key and program the replacement key fob. One or more replacement key fobs can be programmed. like programming new key fobs, Read PIN code/pin code calculation,Check number of keys, Generate key, Add key, All key lost.

  • Read Pincode
  • Generate key, Key Refresh
  • Make Dealer Key
  • All Key Lost
  • Mercedes lnfrared Key Read/Write
  • Immobilizer Data Reading & Writing
  • Backup IMMO Data
  • Remote Frequency Detection
  • Immobilizer Module Replacement
  • IMMO ECU Reset & Coding

Note: This Key Programming Function is not Universally Compatible, Please Check Compatibility with us if necessary.


More Pratical Function Makes Your Maintenance Easier:

  • For VAG Guided Functions: A80Pro Master car scanner can perform complex functions such as special functions, ECU coding, etc., to help your diagnostic step by step with instructions for VW/Audi/Skoda, etc.
  • 3 Years Free Update and Lifetime Technical Support: Automotive diagnostic tool A80Pro Master is equipped with one-click online update and 3-year free update to get the latest software, which can support more functions and new model coverage. Even after the free update has expired, the device will still work normally. If you encounter any problems, our technicians will serve you for free for life.
  • Auto Vin Auto Scan: Simplify the vehicle diagnostic process with just one click. The XTOOL A80Pro Master scanner tool adopts the latest car VIN technology, allowing technicians or repairers to easily identify vehicle information such as manufacturer, model, year and place of manufacture, etc.
  • 8 In 1 Live Data Graphing: Up to 8 real-time data PIDs can be viewed at the same time, such as oil pressure, fuel temperature, coolant temperature, transmission oil temperature, fuel trim, O2 sensor, etc., displayed in text or graph form.
  • BT/WIFI Connection: XTOOL A80Pro Master offers wireless connection feature to achieve remote diagnosis at a long wireless range, get rid of the shackles of cables, make it easy to move from the dash to the front of the car.
  • Diagnostic Report Share and Print: This feature allows mechanics to provide a diagnostic report in PDF file format, letting customers know exactly what types of issues have been fixed with their car.

Wide Vehicles Coverage(Keep Updating)

This XTOOL all-in-one scanner is specially customized for large Maintenance Shops, Workshops, Car Dealers, Auto Mechanic occupies a place in the XTOOL diagnostic series with its excellent Comprehensive Performance. Works on sedans, SUVs, minivans, 12v light trucks, etc.

Support CAN FD Protocols

With CAN FD protocol covers for GM MY2020+ models(CAN FD adapter needs to be purchased separately). Don't need extra CANFD adapter.


Activate Device Language Tutorial

  • Activate the Device with Email and S/N
  • Send S/N to Seller Authorize Language
  • Switch Language in Settings
  • Click Update Device,Update All

Note: English is default language, if you need other language, Please send the S/N to seller authorized language.


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