Vincent Hu - Jan 21 2025

How to Perform an All Key Lost Procedure for Toyota 8A with M822 Adapter: A Step-by-Step Guide

XTOOL M822 Connection Diagram
M822 For Toyota 8A AIl Key Lost Programming
Adaptador XTOOL M822 para Toyota 8A, programación de todas las llaves perdidas
M822 For Toyota 8A AIl Key Lost Programming
Adaptador XTOOL M822 para Toyota 8A, programación de todas las llaves perdidas

Adaptador XTOOL M822 para Toyota 8A, programación de todas las llaves perdidas

Con el adaptador M822, puede ahorrar hasta un 65% del tiempo de cálculo en el proceso, o evitar tener que conectar y desconectar el emulador de clave cientos de veces.

Herramientas que necesitas:

Tableta XTOOL (Toma X100 PADS
(como ejemplo)
Cable principal y conector OBD2-16
Adaptador de comunicación M822
Arnés de cableado especializado para Toyota 8A
Programador de llaves KC100
Emulador de claves KS-1 de Toyota
Conexión de red

Modelos compatibles:

2014 ~ 2019
Para Toyota Levin
Para Corolla
Para RAV4
Para Prado
Para Land Cruiser
Para Camry
Para Highlander
Para Reiz
Para Siena
Para Hiace
Para Hilux
Para Crown Kluger
Para Aygo con caja IMMO F3-F4-K6-S6

Nota: No es compatible con los modelos estadounidenses con llaves de hoja con chip “H”. Para estos modelos, utilice la función Restablecer IMMO compatible con X100PAD2/X100PAD3/X100PAD3 SE/X100MAX/IK618/D8/D8 BT/IP616/IP819/IP819TP/A80/A80 PRO/A80 PRO MASTER/PS90/D9/D9 PRO.

Método de conexión
Conectar VÍA OBD:

1. Conecte el KC100/KC501 al dispositivo a través de USB y prepare un KS-1
2. Conecte el dispositivo (o caja VCI) con el adaptador M822 utilizando el cable principal.
3. Conecte el cable de Toyota al automóvil mediante el puerto OBD.
4. Saque el clip de la batería del automóvil y úselo para conectar el cable a la batería.
5. Saque el fusible de la caja de fusibles y luego conecte el cable.
6. Busque el puerto macho de 12 V CC del cable de Toyota y conéctelo al puerto hembra de 12 V CC del cable principal.


En el caso de los distintos modelos, el método de conexión puede no ser el mismo. A veces, se necesita un cable de extensión y el fusible puede ser diferente. Consulte las tabletas XTOOL para obtener un diagrama de cableado detallado al conectar el vehículo y la caja de fusibles.

Conectar en el banco:

1. Conecte el KC100/KC501 al dispositivo a través de USB y prepare un KS-1
2. Conecte el inmovilizador al cable de banco de Toyota.
3. Conecte el cable principal y el cable de banco de Toyota a través del adaptador M822.
4. Conecte el adaptador de 12 V CC al cable principal.
Cable de Benz M822+J1K02 = M822 + M821
M822+J1K02 Cable para Mercedes-Benz
El adaptador de comunicación All Keys Lost se utiliza para finalizar y optimizar toda la programación de llaves perdidas para múltiples módulos Mercedes-Benz.

Con cable Benz M822+J1K02,
Puede ahorrar hasta un 65% del tiempo de cálculo en el proceso, o
le ahorra tener que conectar y desconectar el emulador de clave cientos de veces.

Nota: El adaptador M822 debe utilizarse con dispositivos de programación de llaves XTOOL avanzados, por ejemplo: X100 Pad3/X100 Max y programador de llaves KC501.

View Details

XIf you need to handle an all key lost situation for Toyota 8A vehicles, using the XTOOL M822 Adapter in combination with the Toyota software (V26.90 or higher) can simplify the process. This guide will walk you through the steps for performing this key programming procedure effectively. We will demonstrate the process with our best key programming products X100 MAX. Why X100 MAX is the best key programming product please refer to this article.

Table Of Content

  • Step 1: Open the Toyota Software
  • Step 2: Read Immobilizer Data
  • Step 3: Extract Immobilizer Data
  • Step 4: Save the Data
  • Step 5: Disconnect the M822 Adapter
  • Step 6: Prepare for Key Generation
  • Step 7: Select the Key Position
  • Step 8: Connect the KC100/KC501 and Insert KS-1
  • Step 9: Check the Emulated Key
  • Step 10: Begin OBD Programming
  • Step 11: Add a New Key
  • Step 12: Program the New Key
  • Step 13: Verify Key Registration
  • Step 14: Final Check

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Step 1: Open the Toyota Software

First, launch the Toyota software (ensure you are using version V26.90 or higher). Navigate through the following menus:

  • By Type → All Blade Key Lost (8A)
    Once you select this option, the next screen will appear with instructions for the following steps.
X100 MAX All Blade Key Lost interface

Step 2: Read Immobilizer Data

Once you're in the correct menu, click on “Read Immobilizer Data.” The system will prompt you to connect to the vehicle network. Follow the instructions in the software to connect to the car. It’s important to check the Wiring Diagram in the software for a detailed connection method.

X100 MAX Read Immobilizer Data interface

Step 3: Extract Immobilizer Data

Once the connection to the car is established, click "OK." The tool will now begin extracting data from the immobilizer system. This process will take about 3 minutes, so please be patient.

X100 MAX Extract Immobilizer Data interface

Step 4: Save the Data

After the data is successfully extracted, the software will prompt you to name the data file. Save this file in the Adapter/Toyota folder on your computer or device.

X100 MAX Save File interface

Step 5: Disconnect the M822 Adapter

Once the data has been saved, disconnect the M822 Adapter and restore the vehicle to its original state.

X100 MAX Disconnect the M822 Adapter interface

Step 6: Prepare for Key Generation

Make sure that the KC100 or KC501 is connected, and the KS-1 adapter is ready. Ensure the device is still connected to the network, then click on the “Generate 8A Simulated Key” menu. Select the data file you saved earlier in Step 4.

X100 MAX Prepare for Key Generation interface

Step 7: Select the Key Position

Select the key position for the new key. Keep in mind that each position has an ID, but only some will correspond to a registered key. Typically, Key Position 1 or 2 should contain a registered key, unless a key has been erased previously.

X100 MAX Select Key Position interface

Step 8: Connect the KC100/KC501 and Insert KS-1

Now, connect the KC100 or KC501 to the device, and insert the KS-1 adapter into the slot. This will generate the emulated sub-master key for your vehicle.

X100 MAX connect the Kc501 and insert Ks-1 interface

Step 9: Check the Emulated Key

Once the emulated key is generated, check if the key can be used to start the car. To test, take the chip from the unprogrammed key, place the KS-1 near the ignition switch, insert the key, and see if the car starts. The immobilizer indicator should also turn off if the key works.If the emulated key does not work, repeat Steps 6-8, but try a different key position.

Step 10: Begin OBD Programming

If the emulated key works, proceed to the “OBD Programming Function.” The rest of the process will follow as if you are adding a new key. Before proceeding, we recommend checking how many keys are already registered in the system.

Note: The KS-1 emulated key will not show up as a registered key, so it won’t be counted in the total key numbers.

X100 MAX Read Keys number interface

Step 11: Add a New Key

Click “Add a Key” on the screen and follow the instructions. Place the KS-1 near the ignition switch, insert the new key (without a chip), and turn the ignition on.

X100 MAX Add a Key interface 1X100 MAX Add a Key interface 2

Step 12: Program the New Key

Once the immobilizer indicator light comes on, turn the ignition off, remove the new key, and insert the chip into the key. Place the key back in the ignition switch, but do not turn it on.The immobilizer indicator should start flashing. Wait for about 1 minute, and the indicator should go off, signaling that the key has been successfully programmed.

X100 MAX Program the New Key interface

Step 13: Verify Key Registration

After the process is complete, check the number of registered keys in the system. Compare this number to the one from Step 10 to ensure the new key has been added successfully.

X100 MAX verify key registration interface

Step 14: Final Check

Finally, verify that the key functions properly in the vehicle. If any issues arise, repeat the process from Step 11 onwards.

X100 MAX Final Check interface


Performing an all key lost procedure for a Toyota 8A vehicle with the M822 Adapter is straightforward, provided you follow the steps carefully. The XTOOL M822, combined with the Toyota software, offers a robust and reliable solution for key programming, even in situations where all keys have been lost. By following this guide, you can successfully program new keys and restore access to your vehicle.
For more tutorials and tips on automotive diagnostics and key programming, stay tuned to our blog!